"Passion breeds all of it." - Sarah Thomas, Limelife

This morning we had a coffee talk with Sarah Thomas, who told us about her work-from-home business.

Thomas introduced us to network marketing and multi-level marketing business structures, a very common format for work-form-home businesses.

After working in health care for 8 years and moving back to Illinois, Thomas was looking for a way to stay at home with children and still generate income. That's when she first started selling jewelry at home parties. She loves interacting with people, and product sales allowed her to do just that.

"I like to fix problems," Thomas says. The makeup and skincare line she sells does just that.

Thomas touched on the different types of sales techniques she uses in her business:
- face to face
- Zoom parties
- Facebook Live
- Seeing her out and about

But, in her line of work, social media plays an integral role. The key, she says, is "consistency".

"It takes someone seven times to see something to actually do it. Keep posting. Don't get discouraged."

Another key, Thomas says, is trust. "Everything that you do and how you do it is so important."

You have to trust your parent company and the product. Your customers and clients have to trust you. Your sales team has to trust you.

Finally, Thomas stressed, "Be confident." Confidence helps breed trust, but there is a difference between confidence and arrogance. Listen to your clients, and identify their problems; then, confidently offer solutions or options.

Thank you, Sarah Thomas, for sharing your business story with us, and for taking time out of your busy schedule to spend the morning with us.

We will remember, "The sky's the limit."

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